Sunday, 9 November 2014

Phase Four: Plan Implementation

Plan implementation is the next phase of a district wide technology plan.  The plan that I have put together has five goals that will direct our division in a way that is positive and constructive for our students, teachers and parents.  The goals that I have listed below are central to the development of the idea of the quality learning environment.  Technology implementation is an integral piece of this puzzle.  The article that I found to be most interesting Implementing the Seven Principles: Technology as a Lever, supports the concepts through the following excerpt -

"Institutional policies concerning learning resources and technology support
need to give high priority to user-friendly hardware, software, and
communication vehicles that help faculty and students use technologies
efficiently and effectively. Investments in professional development for faculty
members, plus training and computer lab assistance for students, will be
necessary if learning potentials are to be realized." (page 6)

It is my belief that efficiency and effective technology implementation is the key to success for students and staff.  In our group discussions, we have discussed the need for professional development support for our teachers.  Our profession is changing and if teachers are not given the time and pedagogical knowledge to deal with these changes it is a crime against our students.

The goals that I've outlined below were taken from discussions with other administrators in my school division.  As each schools environment is different, it was not an easy task to assemble these goals. The questions that are asked are meant to create a baseline of need for our schools in our division.

as Lever
by Arthur W. Chickering and Stephen C. Ehrmann

Plan Implementation

PWSD Inspiring Education Technology Goals and Strategies

The Peace Wapiti School Division educational technology plan should be aligned to match the digital citizenship of Inspiring Education. 

Goal 1:  Engaging and Empowering Learning Experiences

Goal 2:  Assessment

Goal 3:  Connected Teaching and Learning

Goal 4:  Infrastructure for Teaching and Learning

Goal 5:  Productivity and Efficiency

Goal 1:  Engaging and Empowering Learning Experiences

Alberta Education Tech Plan
PWSD Inspiring Education Tech Plan
1.0 Learning:  Engage and Empower
All learners will have engaging and empowering learning experiences both in and out of school that prepare them to be active, creative, knowledgeable and ethical participants in our globally networked society.
Goal 1:  Engaging and Empowering Learning Experiences
All learners will have engaging and empowering learning experiences both inside and outside of school that prepare them to be active, creative, knowledgeable and ethical participants in our globally networked society.
What will your district do over the life of this local Educational Tech Plan to ensure that learning experiences are empowering, engaging and supported by digital tools?

Action Plan for Goal Area 1

What Steps Will You Take?
Who Will Be Responsible?
When (be specific, e.g., by 10/1/16)?
How will you measure?

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