Monday, 10 November 2014

Phase Four: Appendices

The posting contains the two appendices.  The first of which highlights the tech planning resources used to help enhance and support the plan moving forward.  The second appendix highlights plan evaluation which in my opinion is crucial for the entire project in terms of creating sustainability.

Appendix A:  Educational Tech Planning Resources

Educational Technology Planning

The plan that Alberta Education has put forth regarding technology and inspiring education is comprehensive.  Below are list of resource links that will help to understand the vision of Alberta Education as it pertains to technology.

Educational Technology Planning
Learning and Technology Policy Framework

Research and Publications
Technology tools and resources
Technology and High School Success

Innovative Classrooms

Supporting Innovative Classrooms

Alberta Technology Leaders in Education

Professional Learning

School Technology Videos

Appendix B:  Evaluating Your Plan

The plan must include an evaluation process that enables the school or library to monitor progress toward the specified goals and make mid-course corrections in response to new developments and opportunities as they arise.  The following information can be used to help build and monitor an exemplary educational technology plan.

The Committee

An exemplary plan:
·         Includes a representative committee member of each stakeholder group, including community members.
·         Describes responsibilities of each committee member.
·         Includes a timeline of milestones, including meeting dates and deliverables.

The results:
·         Leverages the support, depth of experience and views of the school community in developing and        implementing the technology plan.

The Mission and Vision

An exemplary plan:
·         Ensures that vision addresses the school mission.

The results:
·         Implements changes designed to increase student achievement through the use of technology.
·         Leads to the efficient use of technology in all aspects of the school community.

The Needs Assessment

An exemplary plan:       
·         Assures all stakeholders have a voice in developing the needs assessment.
·         Assesses what is already being done in the school and district.
·         Researches innovations of other schools and districts.
·         Studies the current school/district culture with regard to risk taking and technology innovation.
·         Identifies and prioritizes target areas.

The results:
·         Provides the data needed to participate in an effective technology planning process, which will support systemic change.

Goal 1.0 Engaging and Empowering Learning Experiences

What will your district do over the life of this local Educational Technology Plan to ensure that learning experiences are empowering, engaging and supported by digital tools?

An exemplary plan:
·         Monitors, updates and reports to stakeholders four times per year on the plan.
·         Collects, analyzes and distributes data to demonstrate increased student achievement through the implementation of the technology plan.
·         Individualizes learning in level and pacing using technology.
·         Uses technology to collect data and stakeholder responses concerning the use of technologies for improving and assessing academics.
·         Measures progress toward benchmarks within the technology plan.

The data:
·         Lists goals and objectives that are or are not met, including explanations and ways to overcome barriers.
·         Includes a plan for meeting unmet goals and objectives.
·         Lists unexpected outcomes or benefits of the technology plan.
·         Lists other needs that have emerged since the plan was last written/revised.
·         Deletes goals and objectives that are no longer relevant to the current situation.
·         Lists developments in technology that can take advantage of improving the school district.

The results:
·         The district stakeholders are kept informed on the direction and progress of empowering, engaging and supporting learning with digital tools.
·         Teachers and administrators have ways to measure progress.

Goal 2.0 Assessment

What will your district do over the life of this local Educational Technology Plan to ensure that technology is used for assessment?

An exemplary plan:
·         Identifies and addresses goals in the school improvement plan.
·         Identifies data points that can be used at the classroom level to improve instruction, (e.g., results of common formative digital assessments to be analyzed by data teams).
·         Identified data points that can be used at the system/district level to improve operations (e.g., data on misuse of technology by students related to bullying, etc.).
·         Clearly identifies which data points will be collected by which tool.
·         Includes data collection timeline with reporting criteria (shared with whom and when).
·         Provides the essential conditions to address technology as an assessment tool (e.g., infrastructure, training, etc.).

The results:
·         Students take assessments online and gain immediate results.
·         Educators, parents and students are able to access the data 24/7.
·         Systems are in place to evaluate, monitor and improve the assessment data.

3.0 Connected Teaching and Learning

What will your district do over the life of this local Educational Technology Plan to ensure that educators are prepared to teach 21st Century learners and are connected to technology resources that support teaching and learning?

An exemplary plan:
·         Ensures that staff is ready to use, maintain and improve skills for both professional and teaching technologies that support teaching and learning.
·         Develops and communicates models for professional learning.
·         Professional Development is aligned to district/building standards and/or goals (e.g., ISTE NETS, NSDC Professional Development Standards, cyber bullying legislation, etc.).
·         Maintains a method of recording professional growth using technology for all employees (e.g., district office, teachers, technical staff etc.).
·         Maintains a database of resources which may include providers, models, sites to visit, conferences, online opportunities and funding sources.  This information is available online.
·         Supports PD by creating times and/or physical/virtual spaces where the staff can collaborate and share.
·         Includes a plan of action for adequate planning and implementation and provides a safety net for innovators.

The results:
·         Professional development model permits educators to define growth areas.
·         Educators work in a collaborative environment to achieve those goals.
·         All employees at the district’s sites have equal access to individualized professional growth opportunities.
·         Technology policies and procedures are clear about expectations and consequences.

4.0 Infrastructure for Teaching and Learning

What will your district do over the life of this local Educational Technology Plan to ensure that all students and educators will have access to a comprehensive infrastructure for teaching and learning?

An exemplary plan:
·         Manages ongoing costs by researching total cost of ownership, including regular upgrades and replacement.
·         Allots human resources to keep the technologies working efficiently.
·         Ensures purchases align with building/district goals to improve student achievement.
·         Assesses implementation of technology for equity across grade levels, student abilities, teachers, etc. (according to needs assessments).
·         Monitors and keeps records of upkeep, upgrades and replacement.

The results:
·         The district provides all the essential conditions that connect:
·         Educators to data, content, resources, expertise and learning experiences so that they are prepared to teach 21st century learners.
·         Students to data, content, resources, expertise and learning experiences so that they are prepared to learn 21st century skills.
·         Stakeholders to the information needed to make informed decisions.

5.0 Productivity and Efficiency

What will your district do over the life of this local Educational Technology Plan to maintain or redesign processes and structures to take advantage of the power of technology to improve learning outcomes while maintaining efficiency?

An exemplary plan:
·         Selects a balanced standing committee of stakeholders who research new trends and technologies.
·         Assists the district in developing a culture which supports innovations.
·         Develops by-laws for committee membership, which include details such as defined roles, terms of service, expectations, etc.
·         Researches innovative ways to deliver and assess content, such as blended learning or content mastery.

The results:
·         The district uses technology to improve learning environments.
·         Cutting edge technology is used and transparent in the school.
·         New policies will be developed and implemented that increase learning outcomes.

Educational Technology Plan Review Guide

Name of District:                            District Contact:                                 Email                                        Phone:


Complete? Yes/No
Complete? Yes/No
additional information required/comments

Technology Committee

Vision Statement

Needs Assessment

Goal 1:  Engaging and Empowering Learning Experiences

Goal 2:  Assessment

Goal 3:  Connected Teaching and Learning

Goal 4:   Infrastructure for Teaching and Learning

Goal 5:  Productivity and Efficiency


I have reviewed the plan for alignment and completeness and provided feedback to the district.

               (print) Name of RESC  Reviewer                        

Signature of RESC Reviewer                                                         

Please attach this sheet to your revised and completed tech plan:

Ken Pon
Peace Wapiti School Division
Chair: Technology and Digital Pedagogy Committee on Inspiring Education

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